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Greenbook’s IIEX Asia Pacific Review & Takeaways


Greenbook’s IIEX Asia Pacific was held in the beautiful city of Bangkok. Bangkok is renowned for its vibrant street life, rich cultural heritage, and majestic temples. Bangkok’s popularity stems from its diverse attractions and experiences.

2 Days of Conference, 40+ Speakers and 400+ Attendees from Southeast Asia comprising of End Clients, Consulting Clients, and MR Agencies.

Key Takeaways:

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is continuously evolving – AI has developed so much in the past couple of years and we can see how this can really enable us to have faster, more agile, more cost-effective research and generate deeper insights.

2. Human intervention and Innovation processes are complementary to developing truly breakthrough concepts and the AI solutions are game changing in the field of market research.

3. By merging Human Insight (HI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), we can circumvent traditional pitfalls and foster creativity that disrupts and innovates.

4. Need for continuous learning and upskilling – As new AI/digital tools evolve and become available, we need to keep our eyes open to what’s out there and test and learn.

5. Driving deeper human understanding with new methodologies/approaches – It is important that we continuously develop and innovate on how we do our research to generate deeper human understanding so we can in the end, do what matters most and that is to deliver consumer-centric solutions to meet the needs of our consumers and make a difference in their lives.

Most of the speakers mentioned how they are embracing and leveraging on the technology in running their research projects in the APAC markets.

Using agile research helps to get project set-up easier and provides massive cost savings. However, using digital platform is no longer about getting cheap and fast insights, it needs to provide better and valuable insights. It was also explored how the rapid pace of progress has made traditional, time-consuming ideation sessions unsustainable and the need for agility and speed in today’s fast-paced world.

AI integration stood out as the cornerstone of the conference, defining the future direction of market research methodologies. The discussions around leveraging AI-based tools were particularly enlightening and pointed towards the great potential in the field.

The agenda was well thought through, with speakers showcasing innovative ideas and solutions that disrupt the conventional ways of understanding our consumers.

The speakers that were of greatest interest were those that explained not only more efficient or comprehensive or scale outcomes from adopting AI in some way but also how to integrate it with human involvement. Not just automated emotional response checking. AI provides efficiency, and then good market research people help to understand people.

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About InnovateMR – InnovateMR is a full-service sampling and ResTech company that delivers faster, quality insights from business and consumer audiences utilizing cutting-edge technologies to support agile research. As industry pioneers, InnovateMR provides world-class end-to-end survey programming, targeted international sampling, qualitative and quantitative insights, and customized consultation services to support informed, data-driven strategies, and identify growth opportunities. Known for their celebrated status in customer service and results, InnovateMR combines boutique-level service with extensive global reach to achieve partner success.